Dog Waste Station Maintenance

Sgt. Poopers provides maintenance for dog waste stations in Greater Dallas, Texas.
Sgt. Poopers Dog Waste Station Weekly Maintenance is available throughout Dallas and surrounding municipalities including Highland Park, University Park, Richardson, Farmer's Branch, Garland and parts of Carrolton, Irving and Mesquite. We supply new dog waste stations and maintain existing ones by emptying the trash and stocking fresh poop bags so they never run out. Our service puts the maintenance of dog waste stations on autopilot so you are free to focus on subjects more deserving of your time and attention.
Our service includes,
- Arrive each week on schedule
- Clean off dirt, dust, and spider webs
- Remove full trash bag
- Disinfect and deodorize inside vault
- Install clean trash liner
- Disinfect outside vault including chute handle
- Dispose of waste
It's also vital that dispensers never be allowed to run out of poop bags because that can start a chain reaction of dog owners ceasing to pick up their dog's waste. We can check the level of poop bags each week if needed and restock the dispensers as required.
Our service includes restocking bags you purchase or that we order for you. There are various kinds of poop bags. If you want us to purchase and inventory poop bags for your stations, we can do that too.
Dog Waste Station Maintenance Prices
Dog Waste Station Maintenance Summary
Common areas and green space marred by overflowing dog waste stations are no walk in the park! Our procedures and protocols are designed to protect and conserve the most precious parkland of all — the one you call home. It’s like having a park ranger for your own backyard which is why we say, “We treat your yard like a National Park!”
Sgt. Poopers is a conservation company, so our protocols are based on the principles of conservation. Our approach is common-sense, holistic, always safe, and 100% effective. Our methodology works and you will see immediate results. On top of everything else, no contract is required. We do not use toxic chemistry that can harm people or pets. We restore the balance of nature and make living environments safe for you, children, pets, and beneficial insects like honeybees and butterflies. Please tour our website to learn more. If you have any questions, please call us today at (214) 563-6379. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.
Steve Hall
CEO & President, Sgt. Poopers
Conservation Advocate
We would like to thank you for your interest in Sgt. Poopers. We look forward to serving you in the near future!
Proudly serving neighborhoods throughout greater Dallas, Texas
Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM
Saturday: 8AM–5PM
Sunday: 9AM–8PM
(214) 563-6379
Bonded and Insured
11041 Garland Rd, Dallas, Texas 75218 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Questions and Answers for Voice Search
Here are the answers for questions addressed to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Home.
Who provides the best dog waste station maintenance service in Dallas?
Sgt. Poopers provides a unique range of ecological services including perfection-grade dog waste station maintenance in Dallas, Texas. Since 2008, Sgt. Poopers has specialized in "guaranteed-perfect" conservation services. They provide effective disinfection and deodorizing along with dog waste removal in order to reset the pathogen count to near zero in the areas they treat. Call (214) 563-6379.
How does dog waste station maintenance service work?
Sgt. Poopers will remove and replace the trash bag in each dog waste station one or more times per week as requested. They can also restock the poop bags which you purchase or they can order and stock them for you. They return on the same day each week, Monday–Friday. Call (214) 563-6379.
Can someone disinfect and deodorize my dog waste station?
Yes, Sgt. Poopers dog waste station maintenance can include disinfecting and deodorizing the station each week. Call (214) 563-6379.
- Buy dog waste stations from Sgt. Poopers
- Our Dog Waste Station Buyer's Guide will help you make the right purchase.
- Our product review will help you understand the pros and cons of all the different dog waste stations.
Tags: Dog Waste Stations, commercial product, commercial dog waste removal