WWII Bomb Damage - North Side of via dell'Abbondanza (West to East)
A. Stephens, Sept 2009
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
VII, 9, 68 Building of Eumachia
VII, 9, 67 Building of Eumachia
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
VII, 13, 1 None
VII, 13, 2 None
VII, 13, 3 None
VII, 13, 4 House of Ganimede
House of the Four Seasons
House of the King of Prussia
House of the Prince of Salerno
VII, 13, 5 None
VII, 13, 6 None
VII, 13, 7 None
VII, 13, 8 House of L. Caecilius Communis
House of M. Stronnius Favorinus
VII, 13, 9 House and Shop of Anius Modestus
VII, 13, 10 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
VII, 14, 1 None
VII, 14, 2 None
VII, 14, 3 None
VII, 14, 4 None
VII, 14, 5 House of the Banker
House of the Exchange
House of the Queen of England
VII, 14, 6 None
VII, 14, 7 None
VII, 14, 8 None
VII, 14, 9 House of V. Popidius
House of the Doves
House of the Five Skeletons
House of the Duke of Saxony
VII, 14, 10 None
VII, 14, 11 None
VII, 14, 12 None
VII, 14, 13 None
VII, 14, 14 Olive oil shop and attached House of L. Caecilius Communis (?) or House of M. Stonnius Favorinus(?)
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
VII, 1, 1 Shop of Proculus (?)
VII, 1, 2 Shop of Proculus
VII, 1, 3 Workshop of Clodius
Shop of Clodius Sagarius
VII, 1, 4 Shop of Sagata
VII, 1, 5 Shop of Sestius Venustius
VII, 1,6 Shop of Stronnius Valens
VII, 1,7 Shop of M. Amullius Cosmus
VII, 1, 8 Stabian Baths
VII, 1,9 Shop of Sestius Proculus
VII, 1,10 None
VII, 1, 11 Shop of Sabinus?
VII, 1,12 Association or guild of carpenters
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
IX, 1, 16 Inn of Primus
IX, 1, 17 Shop of Lollia Successa
IX, 1, 18 House and workshop of Lollia Successa
IX, 1, 19 Shop of Lollia Successa
IX, 1, 20 House of MM. Epidii Rufus and Sabinus
House of the Diadumeni
House of Suedio Clemente
House of Passaratus
Bombardiert (Fassade und atrium) [Bombarded (faade and atrium)]
IX, 1, 21 None
IX, 1, 22 House of M. Epidius Sabinus
House of CC.Cuspii, Pansa and Proculus
House of Parnasso
House of the Sandals
IX, 1, 23 None
IX, 1, 24 None
IX, 1, 25 None
IX, 1, 26 House of the Jews
House of Sodom and Gomorrah
IX, 1, 27 Shop of Pacuvius Erasistratus
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
IX, 7, 13 None
IX, 7, 12 House of Polyphem and of Galathea
IX, 7, 11 Shop and workshop of Jucundus?
IX, 7, 10 None
IX, 7, 9 House of Popidius Montanus
House of the Chess Players
House of the Lantruculi [board game] Players

IX, 7, 8 None
IX, 7, 7 Shop of Cuculla?
IX, 7, 6 House of the Clothier M. Vecilius Verecundus
House of the Chariot of Venus
IX, 7, 5 Shop of Marcus Caecilius Verecundus
Felter's Workshop of M. Vecilius Verecundus, clothier
IX, 7, 4 Shop of Sergius Felix
IX, 7, 3 House of Sittii Pompeiani
House of P. Sittius Coniunctus
IX, 7, 2 Tenant of P. Sittius Coniunctus?
IX, 7, 1 House of Venus and the Four Gods
Shop of the Four Divinities
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
IX, 11, 1 House of Cn. Audius Bassus
Altar and Fresco of the Twelve Divinities
IX, 11, 2 Hot food and drink establishment of Asellinae: Asellina, Smyrna, Aegle and Maria
Inn of Aselina
IX, 11, 3 Brothel of Asellina
IX, 11, 4 Shop with the emblem of the pots
IX, 11, 5 None
IX, 11, 6 None
IX, 11, 7 House of Cornelius Maximus
IX, 11, 8 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
IX, 12, 1 Weaver's workshop of Rufus
IX, 12, 2 House of the First Colonnade
House of the Colonnaded Dining Room
House of the Banquet Hall
IX, 12, 3 None
IX, 12, 4 House of the Second Colonnade
House of the Second Colonnaded Dining Room
House of the Grand Colonnade
Doors 3-5:
N/A Doors 1-5:
Una bomba ha distrutto completamente la facciata
IX, 12, 5 Weaver's workshop of M. Comus
IX, 12, 6 House of Crescens
Workshop of Crescens
Inn of Crescens
Bakery of C. Julius Polybius?
House of the Chaste Lovers
1943 Bombardiert
[1943 Bombarded]
IX, 12, 7 House of Cornelius Maximus
Inn or tavern of Porphyrio or PurpurioInn
Inn or tavern of the Paridiani
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
IX, 13, 1 Apartment of M. Sextilius L.
IX, 13, 2 Shop of Phrynicus
Shop of Prunicus
IX, 13, 3 House of giulio polibio
House of CC. Julii, Polybius and Philippus
House of C. Julius Polybius
House of Gustaf VI. Adolf of Sweden
Doors 1-3:
1943 Bombardiert
[1943 Bombarded]
IX, 13, 4 Shop of Successus
IX, 13, 5 House of the cloth-fuller M. Fabius Ululitremulus
House and fullery of M. Fabius Ululitremulus
House of the Origin of Rome
IX, 13, 6 Workshop of Sextus Ceius
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
III, 1, 1 None
III, 1, 2 None
III, 1, 3 House of Pacuvius, manufacturer or seller of naval products?
House of the Red Anchor
III, 1, 4 Shop of Predicinius Cornelius
Shop of Praedicinius
III, 1, 5 Shop of Praedicinius
III, 1, 6 House or workshop of Praedicinius
House of the Cassii and Calpurnii
It must be remembered that during the bombing of 1943, a bomb fell on the Via dell'Abbondanza in front of the SE corner of the insula, between III, 1, 6 and I, 11, 7. Bombing location on map (Vol I, Preface, p. XX) shown to be in street in front of door 6.
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
III, 2, 1 House of Trebio Valente
House of A. Trebius Valens
The Chequered House
Two bombs, one in the atrium and the other near the SE corner of the house, almost in the street itself, destroyed the atrium, the cubiculum to the east, the other cubiculum to the west, the triclinium in the SE corner of the house and the entire S elevation with the album of edicta and programmata soliciting political support for various personages.
una bomba nell'atrioSono andati distrutti, coi loro dipinti parietali, anche un cubicolo ad est dell'atrio, il triclinio a sud-est, e un cubicolo ad ovest dell'atrio.
III, 2, 2 Shop of Sotericus
III, 2, 3 Workshop of Lutatius
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
III, 3, 1 Workshop and shop of Tigillus, dealer in worn or used articles
III, 3, 2 Workshop and Shop of the Mat Maker Graphicus
III, 3, 3 Property of N.P.R (N. Popidius Rufus?)
Workshop of the Mat Makers
Residence of the Mat Makers
Shop of the Mat Makers
Workshop of the Mat Maker Graphicus
III, 3, 4 Shop of Graphicus 4 und 5 Bombardiert
[4 and 5 Bombarded]
The 1943 bombing took its toll of this insula: one bomb destroyed the faade of No. 4, the internal walls of No. 5 and caused the loss of several paintings at No. 6. il muro de prospetto del vano n. 4 e I muri interni della taberna contigua (n. 5) sono andati distrutti.
III, 3, 5 Shop of Graphicus
III, 3, 6 Pompeii Armory
Military Guard Unit of Pompeii
House of the Gladiators
Station of the Municipal Militia
Bombardiert: Mauerwerk und Dekoration (X)
[Bombarded: Masonry and decoration partially survived]
Anche taluni degli affreschi interni sono andati distrutti (e cio due delle figure di Vittorie volanti del lato nord e la testa di una terza Vittoria sul lato est). Si sono polverizzati il calco dell'armadio in legno, sulla parete di fronte all'ingresso, e il calco parizale della transenna di chiusura.
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
III, 4, 1 Pottery shop of the Jew Zosimus
III, 4, 2 House of the Moralist
House of C. Arrius Crescens
House/apartment of C. Arrius Crescens, T. Arrius Polites, M. Arrius Polites and M. Arrius Polites Cliens (commoner)
Doors 2 & 3:
Bombardiert. Hinterer Teil (X), im vorderen Teil moderne rek.
[Bombarded. Rear section partially survived, in the front section modern reconstruction.]
Both houses 2 and 3 sustained severe damage from the bombing of September 1943: part of the W wall of the garden collapsed, ceilings and the rooms on the upper storey were demolished, while wall paintings suffered heavily. Casa di Arrio Crescente (III, 4, 2 & 3) detta anche "del moralista", dalle sentenze dipinte sui muri del triclinio estivo. andata distrutta una parte del muro perimetrale e divisorio del lato ovest del giardino
III, 4, 3 House of the Moralist
House/apartment of M. Epidius Hymenaeus
Wine shop of C. Arrius Crescens with lodgers or workers Clodius, Alipus and Horatio Amandio?
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
III, 5, 1 Shop of Pascius Hermes Bombenschden an der Fassade
[Bomb damage to the faade]
This faade was shaken by the repercussion of the bomb which fell across the avenue at the NE corner of II, 1
III, 5, 2 House of the MM. Loreii Tiburtini
House of the Loreii
House of the two balconies
Undamaged in 1943
III, 5, 3 None
III, 5, 4 None
III, 5, 5 Inn or tavern of Crotonensis In the bombing of 1943 one bomb fell in the Via dell'Abbondanza close to the SE corner of the insula.
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
III, 6, 1 Inn or tavern of Pherusa
Outpost of the Paridiani
Outpost of the Urbulanenses
Doors 1-3?:
This insula was badly damaged during the aerial bombing of 1943 (Spin. 1 1953. P. XX fig. 2). Two bombs fell on the western vicolo separating it from III, 5; one of them landed in the street at the junction of this vicolo and the Via dell'Abbondanza; the other fell farther to the north. From the concussion of the first of these the caupona of Pherusa was seriously impaired and today retains very little of the character it displayed fifty years ago.
Bombing location on map (Vol I, Preface, p. XX) shown to be in the street close to door 1.
III, 6, 2 Property of M. Satrius with Stable
House of D. D. Lucretii Satrii Valentes
Outpost of the Urbulanenses ?
III, 6, 3 None
III, 6, 4 House of M. Satrius? Bombardiert
Another bomb fell north of the entrances Nos. 3 and 4. Bombing location on map (Vol I, Preface, p. XX) shown to be in the middle of the insula near the street.
III, 6, 5 Inn or tavern of Statius
Inn or tavern of C. Sabinius Statio
III, 6, 6 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
III, 7, A None In September 1943, at least three bombs fell near the SW corner of the insula. Today, perhaps as a result ot the bombing, there is a large opening at this corner which apparently did not exist previously.
III, 7, 1 House of Popidius Metellicus, building material merchant? Bombardiert, verfallen
[Bombarded, ruined]
III, 7, 2 None
III, 7, 3 None
III, 7, 4 None Bombardiert
III, 7, 5 None Bombardiert
III, 7, 6 None Bombardiert
At a short distance to the east of No. 6 the sidewalk is interrupted; here there is a large gap It would seem, however, that this present runious condition was caused by the bombing of 1943.