WWII Bomb Damage - South Side of via dell'Abbondanza (West to East)
A. Stephens, Sept 2009
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
VIII, 3, 1 School of Venus
VIII, 3, 2 Shop with school of Verna (?)
VIII, 3, 3 None
VIII, 3, 4 House of the Popidii
House of Ercole and Augia
House of the monkfish
VIII, 3, 5 None
VIII, 3, 6 None
VIII, 3, 7 None
VIII, 3, 8 House of the Wild Boar
House of the Hunt of the Wild Boar
House of LL. Coelii, Caldus and Postumus (Descendants of Roman General L. Coelius Caldus, Magistrate in Spain and Roman Consul?)
VIII, 3, 9 Guild of the Goldsmiths
Shop of the goldsmith Anteros (?)
VIII, 3, 10 Apartment of the doctor?
House of the physician A. Pomponius Magonianus and of Pomponius Severus
House of the Emperor Francesco II
VIII, 3, 11 House of the physician A. Pomponius Magonianus and of Pomponius Severus
House of Grace with clinic and treatment room (shop, pharmacy)
Apothecary's house
House of the Surgeon
House of the Young Hercules
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
VIII, 5, 1 None
VIII, 5, 2 House of the Cock
House of the Cock Painting
House of the Oscan family Aadirans?
House of the Emperor Francesco Giuseppe
House of Ero and Leandro
VIII, 5, 3 None
VIII, 5, 4 None
VIII, 5, 5 House of Ero and Leandro
VIII, 5, 6 House of the Doctor
VIII, 5, 7 None
VIII, 5, 8 None
VIII, 5, 9 House of the Judgement of Solomon
House of a ceramic wholesaler
VIII, 5, 10 House of the Emperor Francesco II
VIII, 5, 11 None
VIII, 5, 19 None
VIII, 5, 20 None
VIII, 5, 21 None
VIII, 5, 22 None
VIII, 5, 23 None
VIII, 5, 24 House of the Doctor
House of a Jewish Alexandrian doctor with clinic
House of the Surgeon
House of the Cock
House of the Judgement of Solomon
VIII, 5, 25 None
VIII, 5, 26 None
VIII, 5, 27 None
VIII, 5, 28 House of Lime
House of the Emperor Francesco I of Austria
House of the Emperor Francesco II
House of the Emperor Joseph the Second
House of Francois I
House of Marcus Tullius
House of the Hoe
VIII, 5, 29 None
VIII, 5, 30 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
VIII, 4, 1 None
VIII, 4, 2 Shop of Heracla
VIII, 4, 3 Shop of Heracla
VIII, 4, 4 Casa di C. Holconius Rufus
House of the QQ. Postumii, Modestus and Proculus and of Blaesia Prima, wife of Modestus, and slaves Heracla, Sagata
House of the Number Four
House of the Drinking Fountain
House of Diana
VIII, 4, 5 None
VIII, 4, 6 None
VIII, 4, 7 Shop of Severus
VIII, 4, 8 Shop of Ianuarius
Shop of Ianuarius and Severus
Shop of Januarius with M. Amullius Cosmus?, salesperson Phoebus?
VIII, 4, 9 House of T Mescini Gelonis
VIII, 4, 10 None
VIII, 4, 11 None
VIII, 4, 12 None
VIII, 4, 13 None
VIII, 4, 14 None
VIII, 4, 15 House of Cornelia
House of C. Cornelius Rufus
House of CC. Cornelii, Rufus, Ver, Adiutor and Fuscus (military officers of high rank)
VIII, 4, 16 None
VIII, 4, 17 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
I, 4, 16 Shop of D. Iuni Proculi
Shop of D. Junius Proculus
I, 4, 17 None
I, 4, 18 Shop or workshop of Sabinus, wholesale trader or dealer?, an arranger (of funerals?)
I, 4, 19 None
I, 4, 20 None
I, 4, 21 None
I, 4, 22 House of the Terracotta Press
I, 4, 23 None
I, 4, 24 None
I, 4, 25 House of L Rapinasi Optati
House of L. Rapinasius Optatus
House of L. Popidius Ampliatus
House of L. Popidius Secundus (Augustianus) with apartment of L. Rapinasius Optatus
House of the Citariat
House of Apollo
House of the Mosaic Compluvium
I, 4, 26 Fullery of Dionysius
I, 4, 27 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
I, 6, 12 Shop of Iunianus, Veteran
House of the Falconer
I, 6, 11 House of P. Casca Longus
House of Calavii, St. and Crescens and of Calavia Optata
House of the Theatrical Paintings
I, 6, 10 None
I, 6, 9 Apartment of Calavia Optata
I, 6, 8 Shop of Specula?
I, 6, 7 Fullery of Stephanus Danni di non grave entit.
I, 6, 6 Room of Ingenuus
House of Ingenuus
I, 6, 5 Apartment of Ingenuus
I, 6, 4 House of the Shrine of Achilles
House of the Shrine of Troy
House of the Salon of the Elephants
House of T. Lucretius
The Homeric House
House of the Criptoporticus
I, 6, 3 Workshop and repair shop of the coppersmith, blacksmith? Verus
Workshop of Vero the surveyor
I, 6, 2 House of T. Lucretius Carus
Domus of the Poet-philosopher T. Lucretius Carus
House of the Criptoporticus
House of Marcellus
House of C. Valerius Rufus
The Homeric House
Two bombs that fell in September 1943 on the viridarium between the atrium and the cryptoporticus demolished a great part of the outer wall running with the Vicolo di Paquio Proculo and destroyed the four rooms E of the viridarium Due bombe son cadute nel giardinetto attorno a cui si svolge il piccolo peristilio da cui una scala scende al criptoportico
I, 6, 1 Shop and workshop of Tyrsus, blacksmith, equipment and tool fabrication
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
I, 7 , 1 House of P. Paquius Proculus
House of C. Cuspius Pansa
I, 7 , 2 None
I, 7 , 3 House of M. Fabius Amandio
House of P. Cornelius Corinthus
I, 7 , 4 Potter's workshop of Corinthus, slave of P. Cornelius?
I, 7 , 5 House of Philippus, with workshop of a carpenter (?)
I, 7 , 6 Shop of Primilla with apartment
I, 7 , 7 House of the Priest Amandus
House of the fresco painting of Spartacus
House of Philippus
I, 7 , 8 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
I, 8 , 1 Shop of the Fruit Vendor Felix
I, 8 , 2 House of Stephanus
House of the Fruit Vendor Felix
I, 8 , 3 Shop of Stabulius
Shop of Stephanus
I, 8 , 4 Shop of Stephanus
I, 8 , 5 House of the Indian Statuette
House of Chrysanthus (ship owner or merchant)
I, 8 , 6 None
I, 8 , 7 Bakery and shop of L. Betitius Placidus
Bakery and House of L. Betutius Jestus
I, 8 , 8 Inn and house of of L. Vetutius Placidus and Ascula
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
I, 9 , 1 House of the Impluvium
House of the Beautiful Impluvium
House of the Two Divine Triads
House of the Frescoed Entrance
House of a Supporter of the Imperial Household
I, 9 , 2 None
I, 9 , 3 House of Successus
I, 9 , 4 None
I, 9 , 5 House of the Orchard
House of the Floral Bedrooms
House of Euplia
House of the Maxima family
I, 9 , 6 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
I, 11, 1 Inn and hot food and drink establishment of Euxinus and Phoenix
Inn Stabilonis (Owner Actius)
Workshop of the Mat Makers
I, 11, 2 None
I, 11, 3 None
I, 11, 4 None
I, 11, 5 House of Lollius Synhodus
House of the merchant Lollius Synhodus
I, 11, 6 House of Venus in Bikini
House of Maximus
I, 11, 7 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
I, 12, 1 Bakery of Sotericus
I, 12, 2 Bakery of Sotericus
I, 12, 3 Inn or Tavern of Sotericus
Inn or tavern with the Insegnia of Rome
I, 12, 4 None
I, 12, 5 Inn or tavern of Lutatius
Inn or tavern with the Insegnia of Africa or Alxexandria
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
I, 13, 1 House of T. Crassius Crescens (Firmus)
House of the Tiberii-Crassi Crescinti and Firmi
I, 13, 2 House of Sutoria Primigenia
I, 13, 3 House of Lesbianus
Workshop and apartment of Lesbianus
Shoe factory of Sutoria Primigenia
I, 13, 4 House of Taedia Secunda
I, 13, 5 Workshop of Sutoria Primigenia
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
II, 1, 1 Inn or Tavern of Hermes
II, 1, 2 House of Aemilii, Primus and Saturninus, landlord of the Inn or Tavern of Hermes
II, 1, 3 None
II, 1, 4 None bombardiert
II, 1, 5 None
II, 1, 6 None A bomb in September 1943 destroyed the thermopolium, the entire NE perimetral wall along the E side of the insula as well as the portal at the N extremity of the Vicolo di Loreio Tiburntino separating II, 1 and II, 2 together with the dividiculum and the remnants of the aqueduct above. ... andato distrutto il termopolio ivi esistente, con l'intero muro perimetrale d'oriente dell'insula.
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
II, 2, 1 Inn or Tavern of of Astylus and Pardalus Doors 1,2,3,5 & 6:
This taberna was restored as a consequence of damages suffered from the bombing of September 1943 Doors 1-4:
Sono andati quasi totalmente distrutti due cubicoli dell'angolo nord-ovest dell'atrio andata anche distrutta buona parte del muro perimetrale ovest corrispondente...
II, 2, 2 House of D. Octavius Quartio
House of M. Loreius Tiburtinus
House of M. Loreii Tiburtini with apartment of T. Octavius Quartio in upper storey
House of Laomedonte
In September 1943 a bomb completely destroyed the two cubicula in the NW corner of the house as well as the perimeter wall
II, 2, 3 Inn or Tavern of Athictus
Inn or Tavern of Loreius Tiburtinus
II, 2, 4 House of Messius Ampliatus, priest of the cult of Agustus
House of the Augustale
House of the Augustan Emblem
House of the Garland of Oak
House of the Civic Crown
House of Druso
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
II, 3, 1 None
II, 3, 2 None
II, 3, 3 House of D. Lucretii Satrii Valentes
House of Venus in a Shell
House of the Marine Venus
House of the Birth of Venus
House of the Christian Monogram
Doors 1, 2 & 3:
Vor der endgltigen Ausgrabung bombardiert
[Before final excavation bombarded]
It should be noted that La Rocca-de Vos 1976, p. 244 states that the atrium suffered severely from the bombing of 1943. This however, may require detailed examination since at that time the atrium had not yet been excavated.
II, 3, 3A (also 4a) None In the restoration resulting from the bombing of 1943, this same entrance (3A) was closed...
II, 3, 4 House of the Four Shrines
II, 3, 5 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
II, 4, 1 Shop of the jeweler Campanus and the engraver Priscus
II, 4, 2 Apartment of the jeweler Campanus and the engraver Priscus with workshop in the upper storey (?)
II, 4, 3 House of Iulia Felix
Building of Julia Felix
Property of Julia Felix
Villa of Julia Felix
Elegant Baths for the Best People
II, 4, 4 None
II, 4, 5 Barbershop (?) of Papilio
II, 4, 6 Complex of Julia Felix with residence, rental apartments, thermal baths, restaurant and large garden
Elegant Baths for the Best People
II, 4, 7 None
Door Number Name Eschebach, L.
CTP Pars IIIA Spinazzola
II, 5, A None Most certainly this NW corner of the insula must have suffered from the bombing of September 1943; it is known that two bombs fell nearby, close to the NE corner of II, 4.
II, 5, 1 None
II, 5, 2 None
II, 5, 3 Vineyard with wine cellar and two outdoor dining areas
Cattle Market
Stable and Animal Pens
Cemetery of the Gladiators
Triclinium of the Gladiators
Funeral Triclinium