"When 700 billion germs are just wild about your yard,
their enthusiasm is contagious!“
A backyard contaminated by animal waste, germs, odors or poison ivy is no walk in the park! Our procedures and protocols protect and conserve the most precious parkland of all — the one you call home. It’s like having a park ranger for your own backyard which is why we say, We treat your yard like a National Park!®
Our cleaning and maintenance protocols are designed to safeguard human and pet health, maintain the balance of nature, and protect your land and water resources.
America's backyard may lack the glory of a Yellowstone or Yosemite, yet it's our most vital parkland. What place is more central to the life of your family, your child or pet? With fifteen years experience in the safe removal of toxic residues and health threats, Sgt. Poopers can solve the worst health threats present in most Dallas backyards including animal waste, germs and odors.
Our conservation services include:
Pet Waste Removal
Deodorizing and Disinfection
Dog Waste Station Maintentance
Dog Urine Grass Spot Repair
Poison Ivy Removal
Wildlife Waste Control
Electromagnetic Radiation Testing
Our park rangers are well trained and their know-how goes well beyond what you might expect. Not only are we your eyes and ears on the ground watching for any problems like gas leaks, we bring life-saving skills as members of Dallas' Community Emergency Response Team. One of our rangers was a paramedic in the Dallas Fire Dept. for seven years. Another was an Army Medic for four years. If something goes terribly wrong we are trained to save lives and property with evacuation, search and rescue, and triage response.
We work outdoors in every kind of weather so in addition to CERT training our rangers also undergo SkyWarn training from the National Weather Service so we are alert to severe weather events like tornadoes, flooding and hail.
The urban environment is our forest floor so we work to make that environment safe for children and pets. And since electrosmog is now a significant pollutant affecting public health, our electromagnetic (EMF) testing and radio frequency (RF) testing can help you mitigate or eliminate this environmental toxin. We can even check for sources of ionizing radiation or radioactivity (rare, but more common than you might think).
However humble, the American backyard is our connection to Mother Earth, a refuge for reflection and recreation. Today, Sgt. Poopers® park rangers deliver premium-grade services like dog waste removal more than 40,000 times a year. Not only are we an ecological and conservation leader, we are the only conservation company of our kind in the world. We invite you to tour our website to learn more. Call us today at (214) 563-6379. We look forward to serving you in the near future!

Steve Hall
CEO & President, SGT. POOPERS
Conservation Advocate
- Learn more About Us.
- More about Sgt. Poopers dog waste removal.
- Learn how pathogens are transmitted to humans.
Tags: Sgt Poopers, Dallas, Texas, Conservation